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一款用于实现单页风格网站的 jQuery 导航插件Albumize

时间:2013-11-25 14:20 来源:互联网 作者:源码搜藏

Smint 是一款用于实现单页风格网站的 jQuery 导航插件,包含两部分:固定在页面顶部的精美导航条和能够在你点击的时候自动滚动到对应内容的菜单按钮。

So how do I use it?

Create a 'div' for your menu and give it a class name.

Inside this you put your 'a' tags and give each one an #id. This is your menu wrapper and it should be set to position:absolute

Next, add a class to each of the sections of your one page site. The class names must match the #ids of the 'a' links you created above. So if your first link has an id of #section1 you then add the class .section1 to your first div. Repeat this for each link you have.

Add jQuery to the head section of your page

Add the jquery.smint.js to the head section of your page

Call the function with the following script:

$(document).ready( function() {

You can replace .subMenu with the class name of your menu

To give you a littl emore flexability, the class.fxd gets added to your menu when it becomes fixed to the top of the screen, allowing some extra styleing to be added if needed.

About Me

My name is Robert McCracken and I'm a web designer based in Belfast. Been doing this for over 10 years and SMINT is my first dip into a jQuery plugin!

So if any jQuery wizards out there want to rip this apart and tell me how bad it is or suggest ways to improve it, Id love to get some constructive criticism as it is my first plugin!

And if you use SMINT in one of your projects, feel free to drop me a message on twitter @rabmyself and say hello!

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